Sunday, May 30, 2010

M Nasir Live in Perth...

Dasaaattt...bakat yang Allah bagi kat Sifu nih... SUPERB!!...cuma ada 2 benda yang tak best semalam;

1) venue- penganjur tukar ke LT (jgn tak caya M nasir perform kat LT!)

2) My hubby dapat VIP seat as wakil MyPSA...kuang...kuang..kuang

p/s: sorry nuk nuk tak leh nak ambik gambar banyak and quality gambar out...kalut ngan Nina...heee

Saturday, May 22, 2010 never ending story...

The meeting went ok except cam title kat atas tu la and more work and more work for sifu cakap since that paper guna pilot data yang hanya 50 respondents..tak leh lah nak buat analysis yang gedebuk gedabak but at least I need to clearly explain what I have done..2 important things need to improve:
1) strengthen the significance of the study..., so far ok but I need to put more 'ummmmphh' to it!
2) 2 paragraphs need to improve on the "bridging between them"...

But the whole week rasa down...but bila "didigest" balik sebab musabab yang aku rasa down and bengang nih bukannya pasal paper tu...

pasal aku nak mohon pegi one kursus related to my analysis...fees nak kena bayar AUD$ 1780...mahal giler beb!...aku mohon nak guna postgraduate grant tapi tak lulus coz my sifu cakap course tu ambik a big chunk of my grant...sedih lagi tu..that is the only course yang ada kat WA ni....

Alternatively, I found one similar course kat month...murah sikit..fees RM 1000. Masalah problemnya plak, kalau balik I need to bring my daughter tu and bila dikira cost flight etc ..rasanya cam lebih kurang je ngan nak kena bayar kat sini...

Jadi, conclusionnya ...since I really need to attend the course and that is the only course yang ada kat WA ni.... I dah booking gak my place..and I need to bayar the fees guna my money yang +- amounted to RM 5340....

That amount may be ciput je lah buat sesetengah org tapi hakikatnya aku bukannya "simply CT"........

Sunday, May 16, 2010

That e-mail

I received that e-mail last Friday. Dup dap dup dap jantung bergetar.... dari siapa? My svisor le.. Next meeting will be this Monday. Focus of the meeting is about "my Paper".

Apasal suspen sgt?...emmmm sebab this will be the second meeting after balik dari my data collection. First meeting that day tak le risau bebenor coz dia hanya cakap dia puas hati je coz we (hubby & I) managed to meet his target. This time besides discussing about my paper, I am pretty sure he will ask about my progress in analysing the final data..adoiii..

About that paper..tak confident langsung on the quality of it especially the analysis/results part. Knowing my svsor yang begitu teliti...emmmmm...ngerinya nak dapat feedback.

Next, progress in analysing data. Meh...tengok planner apa yang dah ku buat...
First aku start key-in data on 9th March. Rasanya it took me 6 weeks to complete this process (700+ respondents). In between the process I started playing around with my pilot data to come out with that paper..Now baru terkial kial dok buat data screening.. emmmmmmm....bila ku jeling "time line" kat dinding depan ku ni...lagi rasa nyilu...

Ya Allah mudahkan lah laluan ini....Aminnnnn..

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Alhamdulillah ..I received banyak presents on mother's day this year. The kids gave me cards. The one yang dalam gambar tu was from Nina. I think that was her project at Montessori. The card came with a hand-made bowl full of biscuits. Biscuits tu bentuknya 'herot petot". I guessed
that could be hasil tangan Nina. I baca bismillah and selawat banyak kali gak before makan...heeeee.
Adik brought back from school his present. Pokok yang dia tanam and dia jaga for 2 weeks at school plus that "tweety project". Ucapan adik to me " I planted this for you 2 weeks ago..but now this is you need to water it"...wakkaka...nampak cam sesi penyerahan tugas le plak...
Liza and Ibrahim gave me a "bread maker" plus cake yang amat cantik and sedap. Nampaknya nak kena buat sessi belajar guna breadmaker ni. Bila nengok cake yang amat cantik and sedap from Liza, rasa semangat nak habiskan PhD cepat cepat.. Nak join class buat kek cam Liza...Bole tak lepas PhD ambik kursus buat cake while waiting for Abang Long to finish his high school here...heeeeee..
Last but not least, my dearest hubby "masak" for lunch. Ini terhangat dipasaran nih...Bila nengok Papa masak, adik cakap " Mama..the Rock is cooking"...heee. Besides that he bought a cheese cake and also the best part... a ticket to M Nasir's concert at Perth Concert Hall this coming 28th May..
To all, thank you very much... Alhamdulillah....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fail meja seorang PTD..

Ari ni I ada masa sikit untuk merapu...I akan ceritakan bidang tugas I sebagai PTD dgn lebih detail. Kepada kenkawan kenkawan yang bertanya, maap la ye..teman ambik masa nak nulih about this sebab teman asyik dok nulih bab PhD...very the busy...

Everyday (Mon-Fri) around kul 2.20pm gitu I akan sampai kat sekolah tempat I keroje. Nape pegi kerja awal? Idak le sebab teman begitu bersemangat untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai PTD. Silap besar tu. Sebab utamanya ialah after dropping me my hubby kena pegi ambik my two sons plak dari sekolah. Diaorang keluar sekolah kul 2.45pm.

Sementara nak nunggu waktu pejabat yang bermula kul 3.15 pm tu, teman akan berada dibawah sepohon pokok yang rendang didalam kawasan sekolah. Bersama deruan angin yang begitu nyaman teman akan buat kerja PhD kat bawah pokok tu (of course le ada meja and kerusi/tempat bebudak sekolah relax ). Setakat ni belum lagi lah teman buka laptop bawah pokok tu. Takut nanti nampak cam "petition writer" zaman dolu dolu le plak..

Sebahagian dari kerja kerja yang dihantar semalam kat supervisor adalah hasil kerja dibawah pokok tersebut.. So kalau my supervisor tak banyak comment, effective gak lah kerja teman kat bawah pokok tu..Meminjam kata kata my supervisor " I don't care where on earth you do your work, make sure you submit on time.."..heeee

3.15 bermula le kerja PTD . Mula sekali kena tolak troley yang sarat ngan equipment PTD ke bangunan Kindy. Ada 2 class kindy. Tugasnya adalah buang sampah, cuci toilet, vacuum and mop. Masa cuci kat Kindy ni , teman akan curi curi untuk sembahyang asar. Alhamdulillah, setakat ari ni ,bole sembahyang dgn mudahnya tanpa diketahui oleh my boss....heeee

Then , pegi ke bangunan class. Kat sini kena cuci 5 classroom budak darjah 1 sampai darjah 4. Kat sini kena buang sampah, cuci meja and vacuum. Pukul 5.30 selesai lah semua kerja tu.. Lupa plak nak cakap, the whole school tu ada 3 org je yang jadi PTD. Yang dua lagi tu lelaki; my boss org Belanda and my other colleague tu org Colombo.

Gitulah citernye... another colour of my life....Alhamdulillah....