This is the certificate received by my first hero for his outstanding achievement in Japanese Language. As I informed earlier kat sini my two heroes need to learn additional language besides English at school.Followed by the certificate was an offer to go to Japan this Oct. When I read the letter, then I understand the trip to Japan for two weeks tu ala ala 'exchange students' la...He will have the opportunity to join highschool kat Japan during his stay there..
He was excited to go. But we have two major constraints:
1) Financial (of course)- since parents need to contribute around $3,000 for meals and part of the accomodation for the 14 days there. The rest sekolah tanggung.
2) The most worrying part on our side- bab sembahyang and makanan. Siapalah nak ingatkan dia bab bab sembahyang ni...and mcm mana about food..risau nanti dia lapar, dia makan je apa yang kawan lain makan. I doubt he will take vege or sushi for the whole 14 days without us around. Maklumlah budak lagi..and dia tak suka makan vege plak...hee
So, lepas fikir fikir, we turned down the offer. At first, my first hero frust gak, tapi lepas explain ok lah..dalam hati kesian gak impian dia nak p negara 'Sinchan' tak dapat..heeee..