Monday, January 28, 2008

Once Upon A Time....

I would like to tell everybody out there about my bad experience in paying "cukai tanah". Every year, we as a good citizen were reminded to pay our cukai pintu and tanah. The sooner the better. If you failed to do so they(pejabat tanah bahagian hasil) are going to denda you...they are firm about this...they will not listen to any of your reasons..coz to them you are just making excuses .....

Yesterday my mum helped me to pay the cukai as I have a meeting with my son's teacher.. to my suprised the clerk incharged informed my mum that I have to make double payment to include the penalty payment for last year's mum urged the clerk to check again through their computer system...after checking the result was i didn't make any payment last year...jeng! jeng!jeng!

Got the message from my mum...went back home..found out last year's receipt then went back to Pejabat Tanah...of course when I reached them I demand for detail explanation about this issue... to cut the long story short...nobody can give any explanation except keep on blaming the computer system( I wonder system apa yang pejabat tanah guna...payment yang di buat setahun dulu belum appear lagi dalam system) and the worst thing is that nobody buka mulut minta maaf and the clerk incharged guna bahasa yang amat kasar sekali...

Points to ponder:

1) what if I have lost my last year's receipt...dalam system kata I tak nak tak nak I kena bayar lagi lah kan..kan..kan...

2) kalau kita lewat bayar...system bole detect plak nak denda berapa...kena bayar tanpa kompromi...tak bayar ...denda lagi...

3) jadi sekarang ni terbalik... pej tanah tak record payment yang dah setahun di buat....apa yang pembayar cukai bole buat...

4) kalau sorang RM 150 (the amount that I have to pay).. kalau 100 org yang tak di rekod payment...duit pegi mana?... itu baru 100 org ...rasanya kalau betul masalah system...ramai lagi agaknya...antara sedar ngan idak je...

5) macam mana bole lepas audit last year ...Payment received tak telly ngan kat dalam system..

6) yang paling nak tau system apa yang diguna...kalau lah payment yang setahun lepas system tak dapat detect baik buat cara manual....

the rest of the day trying to get in touch with the top person in charged... hoping to get a clearer explanation and of course nak buat official aduan tentang sikap amat kurang ajar pekerja dia melayan pembayar cukai like me...and again to my suprised.. nobody in the office...daripada Pegawai Bahagian Hasil kat Pejabat tanah daerah sampai la Pengarah Pejabat Tanah negeri semuanya tak ada ...mesyuarat!!!Agaknya Sunday adalah hari org pejabat tanah bermesyuarat...

ish!ish!ish! dah 50 tahun kita Merdeka ye...gini rupanya....


payat inc said...

Cik Mulan,

Jangan heran benda2 macam ni. MALAYSIA BOLEH!Ape yang boleh pon tak tau...

My uncle once pernah kena. Beli tanah and nak tukar nama punyalah susah. At the end of the day rupenye die nak duit RASUAH...Bayangkan teruknya...


Syah said...


Tak boleh dibiarkan. Teruskan usaha anda untuk membuka pekung pejabat tanah tu.

Satu caranya, blow the whistle thru media. Biar mereka2 ini membuka mata.

Dewasa ini, itu sahaja caranya!!!!!

mulan said...

ntah bila le nak berubah ye...

very good suggestion...