Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sekolah...oh Sekolah..

New year begin...sekolah pun shoes...BUT still with the same OLD problem ....BEG BERAT!!!!!!

Few days ago..i heard one Dr (sorry can't remember his name) talked about the maximum weight yang bole budak bawa...he said the maximum weight yang bole budak angkat is 10% dari berat badan budak tu...If not..later in life budak tu akan dapat masalah backbone...

As a parents of course that satement risaukan eldest son at the age of 12 baru 26 kg...meaning that dia HANYA bole angkat beg with the mximum weight of 2.6kg...the reality..there are days yang dia have to galas beg lebih kurang with his own weight!!!...

During the taklimat bersama waris session on the first day of school..the headmistress said parents MUST make sure the students follow strickly their timetable...bring only those books yang nak guna... so that no more complaint about beg berat....

The next day I personally check my son's timetable to ensure that he brings only the necessary books to school..but ...balik je sekolah..he complained one of the teachers marah him coz he didn't bring one of the books...the crazy thing about it is that subject /book is NOT listed in the timetable for that day..... So... Cakap Tarak Serupa Bikin.....

I wonder why the Kementerian did not provide locker to the students...kalau computer yang harga berjuta bole bagi...rasanya locker will not cost that much....OR maybe anak anak menteri tak complaint coz most of them may be go to the private school which definitely have different environment...

Conclusionnya...bila la BEG BERAT ni akan selesai......