Jeng !..Jeng!..Jeng... this posting is specially dedicated to K chik.. thanks for sending me the recipes..this is my first experiment..Apam Gula Hangus..
The end product kira ok le gak for people like me yang memang "amat mahir" dalam buat kueh kueh ni...heeee..
Rasanya emmmm..yummylicious!!! cuma rupanya je tak bole dapat full mark..rongga-rongga tak berapa cantik.. Then bila di"postmortem"kan..may be because I changed the methodology of doing this apam.. Actually, I need to kukus this apam but since tak ada kukusan and due to the time constraint ...I baked it...haaaa...
Rupanya buat kueh pun cam buat research gak...kalau tak betul methodology..hasilnya tak berapa excellent leee... luckily, the methodolgy does not effect the taste at all..only the texture of the apam...
So k chik .. ada lagi 99 recipes tu...sempat ke cuba selama 4 tahun ni...heeee..
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